Local Pickup FAQs

What is Local Pickup?

Local Pickup allows you to order items online at Luxeaddon.com and pick them up for free at our local office. You avoid shipping and scheduled delivery charges — and you may be able to get your order faster. Local orders are usually ready after 24 hours but you must schedule a time and date to pick your orders up. 

Here's how it works:

  • During checkout, choose LocalPickup
  • Select pickup date and time
  • Place your order and arrive on time on your scheduled day and time
  • Bring your ID and order number to our office and pick up your items
  • We'll hold your items at the store for 10 business days from your scheduled pickup date; if you don't make it in by then, we'll cancel the order and refund your method of payment
  • If you can’t pick up your order within 10 business days from your scheduled pickup date and you don’t want it to be canceled, contact us at support@luxeaddon.com with your order number, pickup date and time for extended pickup options  

Bring to the store:

  1. Your government-issued photo ID
  2. Your order number

At the store:

  • You will be given instructions if you need directions or would like curbside pickup
  • If you choose to come inside, enter through the main entrance and look for LuXe Add-On LLC on the directory on the TV directly in front of the staircase

Who can pick up your order:

You can pick up your order yourself or choose someone else to pick it up. To have your order picked up by someone else, input that person's information at checkout. You’ll need to provide the pickup person’s name, email address and phone number. They’ll need to show their ID and the order number at the store.

Only you — or the person you’ve told us will pick up your order — can pick up your items.